Three Not So Obvious Things To Look For In A Good Child Care Centre

Education & Development Blog

Sending your son or daughter to child care can be a difficult decision for both you and your child. It is important that when you make the decision to get child care, you do it with all the information you can get. While most people will do their research on the child care centres routines and facilities, sometimes it is easy to forget to look at more tertiary features that can be the difference between a good child care centre and a great one. Here are three things you should take into consideration when choosing which place to send your kid to.


Kids love wide open spaces so that they have lots of room to move and run around on. Unfortunately, some child care centres simply do not have that much room, either due to their city or suburban location, or because it is currently under construction. Sometimes a child care centre with lots of room is not always an option unless you want to drive for half an hour plus, and that is not something that would be helpful for a small child. However, if you can find a place with a spacious playground and plenty of green grass to run and jump on, then go for it!

Day Trips And Exciting Visitors

Better daycare centres offer a lot more variety when it comes to educational and fun guests that come to visit. From someone who makes balloon animals to simple science experiments and maybe even a musical guest, these sorts of visits make a large difference in the enjoyment factor for your child.  Also, check out how often the centre takes kids on day trips to nearby places like a zoo or perhaps even just the park. You don't want them to be cooped up inside all day, as that can lead to a very boring and repetitive experience for a young mind. 

Preparation For School

While an early child care centre should be more about stimulating the mind than formal education, it does help if the place you choose has some sort of pathway into school. From simple English and mathematics classes every now and then to perhaps some light sporting activities. All of this can help mentally ready your child for the upcoming schooling years. It may even give them a head start on their peers and encourage them to take academics more seriously, which is never a bad thing!


25 September 2020

Education and Development for Children and Adults

Recently, I have learnt a great deal about different educational opportunities which are available to children and adults. I was enrolling my child in a local school. While I was filling out the paperwork, someone approached me and gave me a leaflet about adult education. I stuffed the leaflet in my pocket and forgot all about it until I was doing the laundry a week later. I was really impressed with the courses on offer so I decided to sign up for a class. I hope this blog helps you to discover more about adult and child education and development.